31- Cant get off the sofa to sketch today.
30-7 Continuation of abstract 2d theme
30-6 Continuation of abstract 2d theme
30-5 Continuation of abstract 2d theme
30-4 Continuation of abstract 2d theme
30-3Continuation of abstract 2d theme
30-2Continuation of abstract 2d theme
29-2 Abstract 3d form 2
29-1 Abstract 3d Form
301 Continuation of abstract 2d theme
24- More of them Weirdogs
25-1 Sketchdogs
28- More of them Weirdogs
25-2 Sketchdogs
24-1 Sketchdogs
26 More of them Weirdogs
23-3 More Weirdog concepts
23-2Weirdogs live where?
23-1 Uncoloured Weirdogs
24-2Altogether Now.
21-2 Weirdog Sketches
21-1 Weirdog Sketches
22-1 Weirdogs Day3
22-2 Weirdogs Day2
20 Weirdogs Painted
13- Weirdogs line art
18- Sad litt.le boy
17- Few quick character sketches.
16- Completed painting
15- Colouring the drawing from yesterday
14- Forbidden Hobbies
07- Digital sketch for day 7
12- Magazine cover style dooles.
11- A very unlike portrait of David Bowie- RIP
10- Me and Liam on the session- back of a receipt before he headed off to Comumbia.
09- Goofy Self portrait in blue bic
08- So the UK are in cahoots with Sauids in wars in Middle East- Shocker!
06- Fat Guy doing ballet- I dunno
05- Page of doodles!
04- Trying to be interesting but failing iserably
03- Freak face.
02- No time today at all.
01- Off to a decidedly mediocre start for Jauary 1st 2016- sketch a day.
25- Weirdogs so far- altogether!