by Marky Cullen | Sep 18, 2017 | Front Page, Uncategorized
Video, Sculptural and video installation were part of an exhibition I took part in recently. It also consisted of an augmented reality sculpture triggered by the marker image below. You can see Lemmy here looking puzzled at the whole affair but I assure you he was very impressed! The interactions video can also be seen here. It shows the various stages in the creation of the model from concept right through to it’s implementation in VR, AR and 3d print.

by Marky Cullen | Mar 19, 2021 | Uncategorized, UX
Some pretty amazing storyboarding software is available here for free. CHeck it out. Also check oyut the section “Why is Storyboarder Free?”. Funny stuff!
by Marky Cullen | Feb 19, 2021 | Uncategorized, UX
A link to Gridder HQ. Download app when available if you feel like it.
by Marky Cullen | Feb 19, 2021 | UX
An Article outlining choice options between development on iOS vs Android.,on%20the%20Android%20app%20platform.&text=The%20Google%20Play%20Store%20generates,as%20the%20Google%20Play%20Store.
by Marky Cullen | Feb 1, 2021 | UX

Here’s a link to the engine used for the virtual exhibition last year that you can view below. There is a small snippets of code added to it to allow video playback and for slight changes to the opening page which can be discussed if neccessary.
The envirnment was created suing Autodesk Maya but 3ds max, blender or any 3d programme will work. All autodesk software is available for students to download from:
Just look for the student software section and follow the instructions.
by Marky Cullen | Feb 1, 2021 | UX

Here is a link to the main Raspberry pie resource about learning and creating using raspberry pie.
and a link to some of the projects that are available to look at etc:
by Marky Cullen | Jan 28, 2021 | UX
by Marky Cullen | Jan 28, 2021 | UX

Some examples of student’s past work is available here to view in an online virtual space. The navigation is using the usual game wasd set up. It does not run properly in Safari for some unknown reason! Apologies!:
by Marky Cullen | Mar 11, 2020 | Business, Digital Art, Front Page, Web Design
Here’s a wee branding exercise I did for a friend of mine, Amy Roddy. She takes clothes and re-purposes and repairs them for resale…. zero waste…. you get the picture.Anyway here’s a mock up of the livery etc.

by Marky Cullen | Nov 11, 2019 | 2d Animation, Character Design, Compositing, Digital Art, Drawing, Front Page
So i decided to give Inktober a go…. here’s the outcome in video form.
by Marky Cullen | Sep 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
Creating a Blog on Blackboard
I’ll put up a tutorial on this ASAP.
Tutorial: Creating a Gif using Photoshop
This is a quick overview of the stuff we covered in class. Photoshop animation layers, roto setups etc…
Brief 1: Create a Rotoscoped animation 3-5 seconds long. Make it loop or as close as possible. Dimensions should 400px X 400px and 10 frames per second (FPS). Use Photoshop for your animation. Save as a GIF. Post Result to Blackboard Deadline: Monday 25th September
Example Gif Images:
Setting up a Blog on Blackboard: