Visual Effects Animation 2019 |
Brief1- VFX Showreel
Brief 1 is available here. Please read carefully before submission:
Week 1- Animated gif in Photoshop
Tutorial: Creating a Gif using Photoshop
This is a quick overview of the stuff we covered in class. Photoshop animation layers, roto setups etc…
Example Gif Images:
Setting up a Blog on Blackboard:
Week 2 - After Effects Compositing and Green Screen Basics
Files for tutorial Available here:
Images: Images of note:
Tutorial: Matte Painting Example:
Links of Note:
Composition: This is a link to some composition theory. It is a comprehensive enough breakdown of techniques. You should consider these when creating shots for film at all times.
Depth Cues:
Inspiration and Advice:
Exercise Week 2 (Preparation for Planes Example):
- Create thumbnails of various ideas for a Matte painting. You should base the outcome on either of the two themes provided.
- Produce a larger more in depth version of one or two of these Matte ideas.
- Breakdown of the elements needed to produce the matte painting.
- Plan on how each of these elements will be created or sourced.
- Plan for the camera movement in the scene.
- Gather as many of these resources as possible.
- This is essentially a 1 panel storyboard for a shot.
Deadline for this Final Mini Project is Friday 4th Ocotober
Continuing the 3d Planes exercise in After Effects
Tutorial- Recap on what was demonstrated in class last week:
Link to 3d Planes Archive:
Hand in for this week:
The hand in for this mini project is Frdiay of this week. The following will need to be complete by then:
- 3d Planes in After Effects
Set up an image using layered matte painting techniques either hand drawn or photomontage in Photoshop. Add some secondary animation to your scene either green screened or hand drawn anaimation. Follow the set of rules below.- Final production should be full HD (1920×1080|
- Thumbnails and images showing planning and asset list should also be submitted
- Start with 2 seconds of still camera followed by 4-8 seconds of camera movement (keep it simple) followed by 2 seconds at the end of the final camera position.
- Consider a title screen before the video.
- Upload video to Vimeo and add link Upload final gif to your Blackboard Blog
- Back Up work should be submitted to blog also.
Projection Mapping in After Effects
Projection Mapping and Texture Baking Maya
Tutorial: Projection Mapping in Maya:
Tutorial: Texture Baking in Maya:
Rotoscoping in PS and AE
(This is rather rambling but skip your way through)
Green Screening... Beyond keying.
4th Year Green Screen
HeadShot-Green Screen
Running Green Screen
Tutorial: Setting up a green screen
Rendering Passes Maya
Really in depth but overly com;licated way of getting passes out of Maya:
Much Nicer but Kind of requires the Matte Shadow Material: Diffuse and Shadow Map ONLY
The ambient occlusion pass:
Light Probe and Reflection Map:
Background Plate:
Reflection Pass (TO COme).
Rendering all passes in Maya- Complete
Full tut on rendering and using passes from Arnold into After Effects:
Adding a pre-rigged model to your already created HDRi Scene:
2d in Film examples and masking.....
Amazing world of Gumball
Tutorial: Masking Techniques in After Effects.
AE3d Scipt 2015
Maya 2015 Script available here: AE3D_Export_Modified2015
Stewart Model from animation Mentor
Stewart Model from Animation Mentor:
3d Camera Tracking using Maya and After Effects.
Tutorial: 3d Camera tracking and after Effects
2d png sequence in a 3d world.
Tutorial: Adding 3d image plane animation to a 3d Maya based environment.
Tutorial Outcome: