Task: Website update:

Please set up a website that will act as a production diary for your final project. This will be expected to be updated each week with your latest work and will act as a focal point for discussions regarding your project. When your have set up your page please fill out the form linked below:

==[Website Form]==



Animation project year 3- Presentation and course overview:


Images: Images of note:

Examples: Matte Painting

Tutorial: 3d Layers Tutorial in After Effects.

Tutorial: Matte Painting Example:

Tutorial: Taking it into After Effects for camera Movement etc.

Tutorial Outcome.

Links of Note:


http://www.digitalcameraworld.com/2012/04/12/10-rules-of-photo-composition-and-why-they-work/ This is a link to some composition theory. It is a comprehensive enough breakdown of techniques. You should consider these when creating shots for film at all times.

Depth Cues:


Inspiration and Advice:
